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Mt. Pleasant Education Foundation
Enriching education with the help of our community.

The Mount Pleasant Education Foundation is grateful for our wonderful community. The 2023 Turkey Trot was a fantastic success. Thank you to all of the runners who came out to support the Foundation.
We need to Thank our generous sponsors:

Please support the businesses help us enrich our children's education by sponsoring our events.

A special Thank you to Keira Borello played the National Anthem on her alto saxophone. Well done!

A shout-out to Danny from Rosehill Taekwondo for leading all of our runners in warm-ups.

Thank you to our Administrators and Teachers and School Board members who aways come out to support this event. The Turkey Trot would not be the same without our own Mr. Mayer, Mr Benlin, Mrs. Stern, Mr. Mungioli, Dr. Bronstein, Dr. Giarrizzo, Steve Mastrosimone, Chris Pinchiaroli and Sara Beaty.

Lastly, hosting the Turkey Trot on our new Field was amazing. When our community works together
we can make real change.
Please mark your Calendar and make time to Vote Yes for the Instructional Bond on December 12 at Westlake High School.

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